Cat Cafe Kociarnia: Krakow, Poland


Contact Information

Address:   Krowoderska 48, 31-158 Kraków, Poland

Phone:  +48 795 277 060

Hours:  Daily 11:00-21:00

Entrance Fee: No


Kociarna Lubicz final.png

Website / Social Media


Facebook:  @kociakawiarnia

Instagram: Kocia Kawiarnia Kociarnia


Cat vs Cafe (70/30)


Review of Cat Cafe Kociarnia (Kocia Kawiarnia Kociarnia)

There is definitely love in the air at this cafe, the original location of Cat Cafe Kociarnia (the newest outpost is near Old Town on Lubicz).  

The cafe focuses on rescuing and rehoming kitties, and the team here deserve a lot of kudos as this is truly the work of angels.  Not just friendly towards cats, the staff are also welcoming to humans as well!

I selected a Monday afternoon for my visit, and after a 20 walk north of the Old Town walls, I arrived.  The entrance has the same set up as the Lubicz location with a double door security system separating the kitchen area from the cat room.  

After ordering a coffee and slice of carrot cake, I wandered through the two rooms looking to select a seat.  The back was a bit dark and lacking kitty companionship, except for one wide-eyed black feline who kept stared up at the loft area with such intensity, he never wavered even when I gave him a head rub.

I settled on a table in the front room, a bright and sunny space ringed by a colorful, cushioned benches.  It's definitely catty, with plenty of toys and kitty accoutrements sharing the space, a situation only for the most ardent of cat lovers .  Most of the cats were sleeping, except for one playful kitten that chased a string yielded by a young student, much to the delight of the other patrons.  

The coffee was nice and the frosting on the cake extra rich, thick and yummy.

Overall, the vibe at this location of Cat Cafe Kociarnia is pleasantly scruffy, and while the aesthetics might not blow you away, the friendly folks here do serve a nice cup of coffee in between serving their sweet fluff ball masters.  I’d probably give the edge to the Lubicz location when recommending which outpost to visit, but these kindly cat lovers are certainly deserving of your support if you find yourself in Krakow.   

Date Visited:  9/25/17

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