Cat Cafe Kociarnia Lubicz: Krakow, Poland


Contact Information

Address:   Lubicz 1, 31-033 Kraków, Poland

Phone:  +48 795 277 060

Hours:  Daily 11:00-21:00

Entrance Fee: No


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Website / Social Media


Facebook:  @kociakawiarnia

Instagram: Kocia Kawiarnia Kociarnia


Cat vs Cafe (70/30)


Review of Cat Cafe Kociarnia Lubicz

If you've never been to Krakow before, I encourage you to do so.  A beautiful city with a significant, tragic historical past and youthful, vibrant cultural present, there is plenty to occupy you during a visit.

After a pleasant walk through the colorful and well-preserved Old Town, we were ready for a cup of coffee and some kitties.  Well-located just outside the medieval walls and on a busy street near the main train/bus station, there was lots of foot traffic that stopped to admire a couple of sleeping fur balls in the window.  

Inside the lobby area, we were greeted by the staff who presented us with a menu and a run-down of the rules.  After ordering two lattes and a muesli cookie, we entered the main room through an ingenious double door security system to ensure no dashes into the street.


Many tables were occupied, especially near the window where most of the cats were hanging out in cozy nooks, but we snagged a corner table that gave us a nice view of the action.

The space itself is basic with a few tables, chairs and a cat tree.  It could have used a good vacuum, but was otherwise clean and tidy.

There are six cats in residence at Cat Cafe Kociarnia (aka Kocia Kawiarnia Kociarnia) including three long-haired beauties (Norwegian Forest, Maine Coon and Birman) who seemed older and more sedate, and three European short-hair kittens with boundless energy.  

The older cats slept but the younger ones made their rounds moving from table to table while looking adorable (or looking for treats, perhaps!) which made our time at the cafe lighthearted and entertaining.  Our coffees and cookie were good and the staff pleasant.  

A visit to Cat Cafe Kociarnia Lubicz is a reasonably satisfactory outing and a nice stop when touring the city of Krakow. 

Date Visited:  9/24/17

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