Ronron Cafe:  Reims, France


Contact Information

Address: 137 Rue de Vesle, 51100 Reims, France

Phone:  N/A

Hours: W-S 12-19:00, Sun 11-15:00, Closed M/T

Entrance Fee:  None



Website / Social Media


Facebook:  @ronroncafereims

Instagram:  Ronron Cafe Bar a Chat de Reims

Twitter: @ronroncafe

Cat vs Cafe (50/50)


One of the Best:  Review of Ronron Cafe

Zoe, a petite tabby, curiously sniffed my arm, which seemed like a distraction technique but instead of heading for the whipped cream on top of my chocolate tart, she nudged my hand as if to say ‘Make yourself useful.’  I obliged her with a rub around the ears while taking another sip of Darjeeling tea. 

While Zoe and I bonded, I observed the other patrons.  Two teens left their sodas untouched as they moved from cat to cat cooing and petting.  A middle-aged woman eating lunch grinned happily as a long-haired tuxedo kitty slept next to her.  A young couple seated far away from the other guests held hands over Leo, a huge white cat that decided to make their table his afternoon nap location.

Simple, everyday moments are extra special at Ronron, one of the best cat cafes in the world.

Everything about it made me feel just so happy.  The first thing you notice is how cheerful and stylish it is with colorful neon green cushions popping against the light brown slate walls & wooden floors and white chairs & tables.  In a tongue-in-cheek homage to the famed Reims Cathedral one wall prominently features a mural of the cathedral adorned not with saints, but of cartoon cats. 


Once seated in my cozy corner, the kitties came over to greet me as soft instrumental music played overhead.  It was pure cat cafe bliss.

Speaking of the cats, there were ten the day I visited, all rescues and available for adoption.  I was delighted at how sweet and loving they were- apparently they responded to the merry vibe as much I did.  In addition to Zoe, I made friends with Paty, an elfin-like black & white cutie, Speedy, a handsome white and tabby boy and Luna, a Zoe look-alike.  

Roxane, owner of Ronron, has thoughtfully created not just a pretty physical atmosphere for humans, but also one focused on feline well-being.  Having previously volunteered with cat welfare association Ronron before opening her cafe, she's developed a keen understanding of cats and their behaviors.  Today, she has specific requirements for the organizations (she works with several besides Ronron) that supply cats to the café, mainly that they are well-socialized and enjoy being around people. 

She goes one step further by requesting adults (vs. kittens) with short hair or less attractive features (missing eye, etc) that might prevent them from being adopted in a traditional shelter.  This approach combined with the relaxed environment has successful, resulting in over 22 adoptions since the cafe opened in March, 2017.

It's not just the physical space and kitties that earn five paw scores, the food is outstanding as well.  Ronron offers a full menu with daily specials and extensive list of specialty teas.  I selected a bacon and cheese quiche with salad followed by the aforementioned decadent chocolate caramel tart and cup of Darjeeling, all prepared and served by Roxane's mother Martine, who is a talented chef. 

Ronron is located in the beautiful and historic city of Reims, which is also famed for being the unofficial capital of the Champagne region.  An easy day trip from Paris, a visit to Reims and Ronron would be recommended even if you weren't a cat lover.

But when sweet Zoe nudges your hand, I suspect you might change your mind.  

Date Visited:  11/24/17
