Naughty Cat Cafe:  Chattanooga, TN, USA


Contact Information

Address: 3742 Tennessee Ave Suite 100, Chattanooga, TN 37409

Phone:  (423) 541-4316

Hours: T-Th 9-6; F/Sa 9-7; Sun 11-7; M Closed

Entrance Fee:  $13/hr ages 11+



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Website / Social Media


Facebook: Naughty Cat Cafe

Instagram: naughtycatcafe

Twitter: None


Cat vs Cafe (50/50)

Naughty Cat Cafe Chattanooga

Sweet & Innocent:  Review of Naughty Cat Cafe

I don’t know what it is, but lately all the cat cafes I’ve been visiting have had serious game.

Of course, they are all animal lovers with a passion for rescue, adoption and TNR, but the high standard for the facilities and quality of food and drink has left me impressed and in awe.

Take Naughty Cat Cafe. Owned and operated by Whitney and Heath, every detail of this brand new cafe (opened in March, 2019) has been thoughtfully and carefully considered.

Naughty Cat Cafe Chattanooga

From the moment we stepped through the door, everything had a ‘wow’ factor. From the genuinely friendly greeting, to the gorgeously appointed cafe and high quality beverages, to the cat-centric features in the lounge, Naughty Cat stands out as a cat cafe that checks all the boxes.

Whitney and Heath have an amazing backstory. They are both animal lovers with a history of volunteerism- Heath as a fosterer and Whitney in shelters. They moved to the Chattanooga area, but when an injury sidelined their farming aspirations, they saw an opportunity to put their cat knowledge and experiences to good use by opening a cat cafe.

They have succeeded in creating a wonderful environment for cats and humans alike. Fresh, spacious and full of light, I loved how there were so many different places to find a quiet, comfortable spot and kitty cuddle. Sanitation is A+ and with an average of 29 cats on the premises, that is no small task!

With so many cats to meet, I had a busy hour working my way through the lounge. Some of my favorites included Nigel, a handsome chunk of ginger, Karen Smith, a petite tabby, Ritsy, a TNR turnaround and silky calico Envy and Blue a blue pointed stunner that looked like a pedigreed cat.

With focus on the felines, I didn’t have time to partake in a coffee until the end. Naughty Cat features local roaster Mad Priest and their own blend, which was fabulous. There are plenty of food and beverage choices to give you enough energy for a monster kitty cuddle session.

As we departed for our ten hour drive back to Kansas City, I found myself in the brightest of spirits. Naughty Cat Cafe elevates the entire cat cafe genre by offering a top notch experience for humans and kitties alike. Make it a priority to visit them soon!

Date Visited:  7/5/19

Naughty Cat Cafe Chattanooga
Naughty Cat Cafe Chattanooga
Naughty Cat Cafe Chattanooga
Naughty Cat Cafe Chattanooga
Naughty Cat Cafe Chattanooga