Le Cafe Des Chats: Paris, France
Contact Information
Address: 9 Rue Sedaine, 75011 Paris, France
Phone: N/A
Hours: Tue-Fri 12-22:30, S/S 12-23:00, Closed M
Entrance Fee: None
Website / Social Media
Website: lecafedeschats.fr
Facebook: @LeCafeDesChats
Instagram: Cafe Des Chats Bastille
Twitter: @lecafedeschats
Cat vs Cafe (50/50)
Kitty of Light: Review of Le Cafe des Chats
Izmir makes Le Cafe des Chats worth every effort.
The first time we attempted to visit, the line to get in was down the block. We returned a week later on a Wednesday morning and while several tables were occupied, we were able to be seated immediately. That's when we saw her, our Izmir.
This fair feline with the exotic name and split color eyes stole our hearts.
Our sweetheart, Izmir!
The cafe, which opened in 2013, has twelve rescued cats in residence, although we counted nine the day we arrived, a variety of short and long-haired kitties. None were terribly social, but that may have been due to the number of children in the cafe, sweet things, but with their loud voices and running around, unfortunately sent the cats to their hiding spots.
The staff have more of a hands-off approach, typical of a Parisian cafe. Despite the steady flow of non-French speaking tourists, they are far more pleasant then you might except.
While waiting for our meal to arrive I took in the ambience of the cafe, a vintage library-inspired space with antique-esque salon furnishings, it has a classic, yet quirky nonchalance that feels very French (although a bit catty, so allergy sufferers beware). We thoroughly enjoyed our platter of mini desserts, pot of tea and a chocolat chaud a l'ancienne (old-fashioned hot chocolate) that was particularly decadent.
It was a fairly standard experience until the very end. We had our eyes on Izmir the whole time, but who wouldn't, she's so pretty to look at! But as she fastened her gaze on us, we moved to the couch where she was perched and to our delight, she climbed into our laps for some cuddle time. It was truly one of the highlights of the ten cat cafes we toured in France!
Located in Paris, the most visited city in the world, and in the tourist mecca of Marais and Bastille, Le Cafe des Chats certainly can't help but be a busy place. The location, plus unique environment and traditional foodservice make it the ideal place to sit and watch the cats, but your experience will surely be more feline-friendly if you drop by during a less busy time.
Say hello to Izmir for me!
Date Visited: 11/22/17