KitTea Cafe:  San Francisco, CA, USA


Contact Information

Address: 96 Gough St, San Francisco, CA 94102

Phone:  +1 (415) 658-7888

Hours:  W-F 12-20; Sa 10-20; Su 10-19;Closed T

Entrance Fee:  $20/weekday, $25/weekend




Website / Social Media


Facebook:  @KitTeaSF

Instagram: kittea_sf

Twitter:  @kittea_sf


Cat vs Cafe (60/40)


I Left My Heart in SF:  Review of KitTea Cat Cafe

The first trip I ever took with my partner was a fun-filled weekend in San Francisco. We walked the Golden Gate Bridge, visited the beach and even attended a historic Giants baseball game where Barry Bonds hit his 700th home run. We frequently reference that romantic get-away as the ‘getting serious’ turning point in our relationship.

Fourteen years later, we returned to San Francisco for another heart-warming episode, this time involving cats!

On a cool and cloudy day, we arrived for our 10 am appointment, and I was delighted to see that the space, while small, was sleek, modern and ‘catified’- filled with blonde wood furniture, colorful pillows and lots of shelves up high for the cats to climb.

The cat space is separated from the cafe by large glass windows, where several patrons were enjoyed lovely looking food and steaming cups of tea. True to the name, tea is the featured beverage at KitTea and included in your admission are unlimited cups of green tea.

Sixteen cats were in residence the day we visited, with two available for adoption: Carter, a gorgeous gray and white kitty and Miso, a sleek black feline. We lucked out as the cats were alert and full of energy at 10 am, entertaining the patrons as they frolicked about. One cutie named Dolly Purrton even climbed onto one visitor’s back to her (and everyone’s) delight!

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Hector, the cat wrangler was kind, politely answering all of my questions. He showed the folks in the room which toys the cats enjoyed playing with.

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Admission is more than the average cat cafe, but considering KitTea’s prime location in San Francisco, is completely justifiable. The outstanding foodservice, lovely facility, adorable cats and kind staff contribute equally to a high quality experience.

Date Visited:  5/18/18

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