Genki Cat Coffee: Taipei, Taiwan
Contact Information
Address: No. 13, Alley 2, Lane 93, Dexing West Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111
Phone: +886 2 2835 3336
Hours: T-F 14:00-21:00, S/S 12:00-21:00, closed M
Entrance Fee: None
Website / Social Media
Website: none
Facebook: @genkicat
Instagram: none
Twitter: none
Cat vs Cafe (60/40)
Maine Coon Paradise: Review of Genki Cat Coffee
I fell in love the second the door to the cat room opened.
There, perched on a cat tree in the middle of the room was Wan Wan. King-like and full of confidence, this enormous feline stared deep into into my eyes until I reddened and looked away, like a teen girl in the presence of her crush. Such eye contact is rare as it tends to be personal and a bit confrontational, but the cats of Genki are not your everyday kitties.
An intense look from Wan Wan
I plopped down in a corner booth occupied by a ginger American Curl and sipped my peach tea as I surveyed the scene. Accented by warm wood and colorful chairs, and filled with soft lullaby music, the cafe is inviting for humans and cats alike with plenty of elevated spaces for the 18 felines in residence.
There is a communal feel which I discovered as a scene unfolded next to me. A curious cat climbed onto my neighbor’s table, transfixing the woman sitting there as he gazed intently at her half-consumed latte. She sat completely still, her eyes filled with bemusement as I discreetly snapped this photo.
Later, the friendly owner came in and we chatted a bit. He started as a breeder of Maine Coons and decided to open a cat cafe so he could share his love of these regal felines with the public. Over time, this passionate cat lover has adopted several rescues to complement his pedigreed brood.
The love and care bestowed upon these cats is evident in their behavior. They are social and curious, yet poised and intelligent in their actions. It is clear they reciprocate the owner’s feelings as they gathered around him, patiently waiting as he offered special attention one by one.
I was enchanted by the scene at Genki, filled with extremely special cats and a great atmosphere that is sure to offer a memorable experience for any visitor.
Date Visited: 4/3/18