Cat Cafe Budapest: Budapest, Hungary


Contact Information

Address: Révay utca 3, Budapest, Hungary 1065

Phone:  +36 20 617 3301

Hours: Mon-Sun 10:00 - 21:00

Entrance Fee:  None



Website / Social Media


Facebook: @catcafebudapest

Instagram: cat_cafe_budapest

Twitter:  @catcafebudapest

Cat vs Cafe (60/40)


A Treat All Around:  Review of Cat Cafe Budapest 

I'm still dreaming about the cats here.  With their rock-star good looks, these were felines made to be worshipped.  My dear Hungarians, thank you for sharing these beautiful cats with us!

The star of the show is an enormous ginger Maine Coon, the biggest cat I've ever seen.  With a king-of-the-jungle swagger and paws as big as a six-year-old child's hand, you would swear he had some kind of mutated lion gene.  

The space was extremely impressive.  The back room has a dark cocktail bar ambience with cozy couches that can be reserved like a VIP lounge.  The main downstairs room is filled with typical cafe tables and one corner couch paired with industrial-cool pallet coffee tables.

We were greeted by the waitress and began to order drinks when I spotted an item on the menu.  Cat treats.   I assumed these were for the cats, and not a cruelly named dessert, and I was right.  It was the best 450 Forint ($1.50) I spent in Budapest.  This is significant as most cafes have a strict 'treat time schedule', but at CatCafe Budapest, much like the city of Budapest, a laissez-faire attitude dominates.

The sound of the treat bag rustling caused a commotion.  Five cats quickly surrounded me.  I dispensed treats while playfully admonishing the big cats for boxing out the little ones.  Then the waitress showed me a trick:  Mr. Ginger Lion 'high fives' for treats.  Normally, I wouldn't ask a sweet kitty to perform like a circus animal, but in this case, I was high on feline attention and threw my scruples out the window.

After all the treats were gone, most of the cats moved on, but one sweet white and gray boy stayed behind and gave us ALL THE FEELS.

Our drinks were good, but unfortunately the carrot cake was dry and not particularly tasty.  I was so caught up in a haze of kitty love and treats, I didn't care.

One hot chocolate, one coffee, one piece of carrot cake and one bag of cat treats set us back 11€.  A fine afternoon spent with such beautiful and loving cats:  priceless.

Date Visited:  6/1/16
