Cafe Idea:  Hong Kong


Contact Information

Address: 501, Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi St, Mong Kok, Hong Kong

Phone:  +852 2381 2390

Hours:  Daily 12:30 - 01:00

Entrance Fee:  No


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Website / Social Media


Facebook:  @cafeidea406

Instagram:  none

Twitter:  none


Cat vs Cafe (40/60)


Great Idea!:  Review of Cafe Idea

Located in the same building (Pakpolee Commerical Centre) as Cafe de Kitten, it's incredible luck that both are such fine cafes.  The vibe has more of a proper restaurant feel than cat cafe, but with seven spunky cats, Cafe Idea is no slouch in the feline department.

It was a busy Saturday when I visited and after standing in a very long line, found the stairs to the fifth floor.  Hint:  If you don't want to climb the stairs, there are two elevator banks with the left side for higher floors and right side for the lower.  Stand on the right side for Cafe Idea.

I was promptly greeted and after pondering the menu (there is a minimum spend requirement) ordered a frozen strawberry smoothie with a texture more like a daiquiri like than milkshake.  There are many fine food selections to be had, including appetizers, salads, pasta & rice dishes, as well as lots of desserts and ice cream specialties.

A few sips later I turned my attention to the cats, a combination of American Curls and British Shorthairs.  The cafe started with three cats, the owner's original crew from home and has grown to seven.

My favorite was Silo, a rambunctious ginger Curl who entertained the cafe with his run-around antics and Dow Dow, a curious silver shaded British Shorthair who perched near my shoulder inside a wicker basket-type tower.  

While snapping photos, I was able to visit with the friendly owner and staff in English, which I greatly appreciated.  They were able to tell me stories about the cafe and the cats.  Turns out they are a real hub for cat lovers and unlike most cat cafes, allow outside cats to be brought to the cafe for special events, such as birthday parties.  

The cafe space is clean and colorful with bright walls and cat-themed accents and the day I visited, the atmosphere was quite jovial with most patrons smiling, laughing, visiting or playing cards as the cats frolicked nearby.  

I found my visit to be exceptionally pleasing and highly recommend a visit when in Hong Kong.

Date Visited:  5/5/18

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